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An Examination: The Role of Scripture in the Practices and Beliefs of Bible-based Churches

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In the life and faith of a Bible-based church, the significance of scripture cannot be overemphasized. It is the foundation upon which the beliefs, practices, and doctrines are built. In these churches, the Bible is viewed as the infallible word of God, providing guidance, wisdom, and direction for all aspects of life. The teachings of the Bible are considered to be the ultimate authority in these churches. Every belief held is rooted in the scriptures, and every practice observed is derived from biblical teachings. Read More»

Religion Vs. Christianity: What's The Difference?

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Have you ever stopped to wonder what the difference is between religion and Christianity? It’s a fair question, especially considering that most people use the terms interchangeably.  However, some key differences between religion and Christianity can help you better understand why people view them differently. Take a closer look at the distinctions between Christianity vs religion. What Is Religion? Religion is an organized system of beliefs or principles based on faith in a higher power or deity. Read More»